
Project Start: June 2011

Invite friends to participating my knitting converstations project,

Joined on 3 June, knitting in Seoul
1) Euan Park

To be joined on 3 July (Sunday) knitting in Hong Kong
2) Juan Carols Rico
3) Ling Lai
4) Karen Wu
5) Kaiping Chen
6) Siumou Chow
7) Helen Ng

for who interested to join a year knitting project, we will meet every Sunday in the first/last week of the month in different locations and you will invited to shredding and knitting your books/magazines, knitting and travelling around Hong Kong with other participants. This project also will invite friends from the world who have participated in the travelling bookshelf project, they will knitting the books alone and to share with us their knitting journey. No matter if you feel tired / bored and give up to continue knitting any time,,,

At the end i will collect all the individual pieces from each of you, combine all together into one large piece (about 5M(W) x 15/20M (L), and it will be exhibited in my exhibition in 2013 September / October at Artistree, Hong Kong

Project Concept: Knitting conversations
Having the whole ceiling covered with knitted books/magazines shreds, this installation not only is a dialogue with the local people, will also with friends from the world, who have participated in the knitting process for a year project, but also a mircrocosm of communications with multiple layers revolving around power struggles, national/global identities and personal relationships.

